Saturday, July 23, 2022

Machiavellian Politics makes Ranil Wickremasinghe 8th President of Sri Lanka

First a huge kudos to Mahinda Rajapakse's Machiavellian political maneuvers.
Impressive, within the law, and constitution. No violence, no bloodshed. Very democratic..

When the undemocratic mobs invaded the official President and PM residence, the two brothers Gota and Mahinda resigned.
No bringing out military to defend their position.
On July 9th it looked like the end of the road for Rajapakses.
Then because of the President Gotabya resigning parliament had to elect a new President.
Then the second phase of political maneuvers and Ranil Wickremasinghe contested for President.
Ranil Wickrmasinghe a many time PM, who was not even elected as MP this time around in 2019 elections.
The SLPP the Mahinda faction voted en masse for Ranil.
So now Ranil Wickremasinghe the suave elite west liberal leaning is the all powerful Executive President.

In many ways the natural heir to his Uncle JRJ's authored all powerful Executive Presidency.
At that time (1980's) the UNP and Urban Elite, were all gaga about the Executive Presidency.
In the following years Ranil was the golden boy who would continue the West Liberal Tradition.
The Tamil and Muslim Parties fawned over him.
All ignored Ranils underhand brutal ruthlessness in fighting the JVP in 87/89.
(I did not know I had just left the country, after fighting my internal battles of alcoholism).
Of course Like Peter denying Christ, now many urban elites deny ever supporting Ranil in the past three decades.
Now they are also busy scrubbing ther FB pages of Aragalaya participation.

Anyway the Western Liberal Elite Dog of War has been unleashed and is the all powerful Executive President.
Can it become any Machiavellian than that.

Ranil Wickremasinghe dancing at his aunt Iranganie Serasinghe's b'day


  1. "(I did not know I had just left the country, after fighting my internal battles of alcoholism).
    Of course Like Peter denying Christ, now many urban elites deny ever supporting Ranil in the past three decades.
    Now they are also busy scrubbing ther FB pages of Aragalaya participation." You mean like you scrubbing your sordid past?

  2. This is a grievance blog. Seems like the author lives off lonely women and his internet footprint shows a failed life in the US. That seems to be the root of his anger against America. After pretending to be an intellectual, he has anger against that group. Recently, he seems to have turned on his own relatives. Read his nonsense at your own peril.
